The 药物护理助理(MNA)计划 will prepare competent Licensed Nursing Assistants (LNA) to function as trusted care partners of the RN/LPN administering medications to stable clients in long-term care facilities. The scope of the course covers all the basic principles and techniques of medication administration including an overview of common drugs, 它们的作用和副作用, 关键的安全问题包括药物相互作用, 常见的错误, 非处方药物, 以及老年人的药物使用. This course will be delivered as 40 hours of theory in the classroom setting and 40 hours of clinical at an approved clinical facility.
- MNA的专业角色,
- 医学伦理和法律
- Infection control and safety for administering medications,
- Basic pharmacology and common drugs used for a broad range of medical conditions.
学生 who wish to enroll in the MNA program at 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 must meet the following requirements:
- Hold a valid unencumbered nursing assistant license issued by the Board of Nursing,
- Worked as an LNA for two full years (4,160 hours) within the past five years,
- Possess proficiency in Math and English and pass the Nursing Math Proficiency Test and English Test with an 80% pass rate,
- 没有被判重罪,
- 通过12组药检,
- 遵守本中心的申请程序;
- 遵守RVCC的学费要求.
- MNA项目录取申请表,
- 提供简历副本一份;
- 提供LNA许可证副本;
- Provide a copy of current Basic Life Support 证书 (BLS)*,
- 作为LNA工作两年的证明,
- An essay explaining the desire to be proficient in the administration of medications,
- 两位护士经理的推荐信, or directors on behalf of the employee affirming the applicant’s honesty, 完整性, 同情, 以及对护理相关活动的热情,
- 犯罪历史背景调查表通过 新罕布什尔州警察 ($25.00 fee assessed by the State of New Hampshire; Notary Required),
- Bureau of Elderly and Adult Services (BEAS) Registry Consent Form,
- 小组药物测试(估计费用为$50 - $75). Location to be determined with RVCC once application paperwork is complete and submitted,
- Pass Math and English Proficiency Tests with a score of 80% or higher.
*获得美国心脏协会基本生命支持心肺复苏证书. 医疗保健 Provider Basic Life Support – American Heart Association BLS is offered at no charge for all RVCC students. 这个基于网络的项目是通过RQI 1 Stop进行的. 学生 will need to complete the online didactic portion of the program, then come to RVCC to complete the manikin portion of the program.
The MNA (药物护理助理) Program is an 80-hour, non-credit course that certifies that those who have completed the program are eligible to work as an MNA. 课程内容包括:
- 40小时的课堂理论和技巧,
- 40 hours of clinicals (held at the Sullivan County Nursing Home).
5养老院医生.克莱蒙特,NH 03743
学费: $1,800.00
犯罪背景调查: $25.00 ($25.00 fee assessed by the State of NH; Notary Required)
药物测试: $50.00-$70.00 (估计成本)
课本: Gauwitz D.F. (2020). Administering medications pharmacology for healthcare professionals (第九版). 纽约,纽约:麦格劳希尔教育. ISBN 978-1-259-92817-8
New Hampshire Charitable Foundation Scholarship Application
Applicants to the RVCC MNA程序 may qualify for up to $6,500.通过WIOA项目提供的学费补助.
所有新界居民 -请务必向WIOA寻求帮助. For information on the enrollment process and to schedule a meeting with an SNHS Career Navigator, 请打电话给 603-647-4470 ext. 8047 或电子邮件 (电子邮件保护)
- 安排与WIOA就业顾问的会面, 请打电话给 your local NH Works office Monday – Friday from 8:00am – 4:30pm. WIOA services are available statewide in all twelve NH Works offices.
佛蒙特州 居民 – VSCA的教育机会中心 (EOC) counselors can help you set up your educational goals, 获得大学和职业培训服务, explore financial aid options and fill out financial aid applications. 要预约,你可以给王然发电子邮件 (电子邮件保护) 或打电话 877-961-4369 安排时间和EOC顾问谈谈.
The goals of the MNA program at RVCC are to prepare students to:
- Serve as active, dependable, and proficient healthcare team players in the promotion. 维持和恢复健康,
- Consistently adhere to the New Hampshire Board of Nursing regulations for MNA medication administration during the accurate execution of job functions.
- Exhibit professionalism and patient confidentiality while helping clients maintain independence and quality of life.
Upon successful completion of this program, students will be able to:
- Use information related to a patient’s rights regarding accepting or refusing medications,
- Explain the laws and rules pertinent to nursing and nursing-related activities in New Hampshire,
- 将解剖学和生理学与药物管理联系起来;
- 应用 principles of infection control and aseptic procedures as they relate to medication administration,
- Demonstrate proficient use of equipment and methods for assessing, 监控, 报告设备故障,
- Practice the correct method of medication administration and dosage control to the correct stable client at the right time,
- List the methods of medication administration to stable clients,
- Summarize and properly document common reactions to medications,
- 描述与仓储相关的质量管理, 处理, 安全, 记录, 以及与药物相关的错误控制,
- Document the administration, storage, and 处理 of medications,
- 采取适当的药物调解程序;
- 说明药品供应的安全协议,
- Distinguish errors in the administration of medications and translate their impact to patient care,
- Develop communication skills that will facilitate professionalism with clients and healthcare staff,
- Practice the accurate and safe administration of medications by the following methods:
- 局部,
- 口服,
- 鼻,
- 眼,
- 耳,
- 阴道,
- 直肠,
- 肠内管,
- 注射,
- 预先设置或预先绘制的胰岛素输送装置,
- Epinephrine from a labeled and pre-set or pre-drawn delivery device.
- Exhibit behaviors and performance expected of a licensed nuring assistant administering medications.
The Nursing Lab is made possible by generous donations from the
Jack and Dorothy Byrne Foundation and Mascoma Bank Foundation.